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PRODUCING SUSTAINABLY Improving the environmental impacts of our sites and distribution centres has been a priority, and a vital first step in catalysing our process of sustainable transformation. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption and waste, and lowering transport impacts, have become fundamental criteria of our manufacturing performance. In ten years, we have achieved a profound operational transformation, together with our entire ecosystem, and we’ve shown Antoine Vanlaeys, that decoupling growth from impact is possible. Chief Operations Officer 2020 RESULTS CO EMISSIONS FROM WATER CONSUMPTION CO EMISSIONS WASTE WASTE REUSED WASTE SENT 2 2 GENERATION IN *** PLANTS AND DISTRIBUTION IN PLANTS AND LINKED TO OR RECYCLED TO LANDFILL * PLANTS AND CENTRES SINCE 2005 DISTRIBUTION CENTRES TRANSPORT DISTRIBUTION ** (kilo tonnes in absolute SINCE 2005 SINCE 2011 CENTRES SINCE terms, based on GHG (in litres per (in grams of CO per Protocol methodology, finished product) 2 2005 Scopes 1 and 2) sales unit per km) (in grams per finished product) zero -81% -49% -24% -37% 96% industrial 347,942 tonnes of manufacturing waste of CO emitted in 2020. waste reused or 2 recycled. sent to landfill. 242.6 51.8 46.0 0.723 0.353 0.365 23.6 15.3 14.9 2005 2019 2020 2005 2019 2020 2005 2019 2020 See page 9 to learn more about the audit of indicators. * Indicator calculated according to the ‘market-based’ methodology defined by the GHG Protocol. These values take into account the emissions connected to refrigerant leaks. ** Indicator excludes the upstream transport of raw materials and semi-finished products, along with journeys linked to direct e-commerce and returns. The figures have been st st consolidated for the period from 1 November 2019 to 31 October 2020. *** Beyond local regulatory requirements and with the exception of food waste at two sites. 13

Loreal Sustainability Commitment Flipbook - Page 14 Loreal Sustainability Commitment Flipbook Page 13 Page 15