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2020 CLOSING REPORT OUR ACHIEVEMENTS Assessing product footprints Mobilising our stakeholders SPOT: A UNIQUE EVALUATION TOOL ENGAGED AND ENGAGING CAMPAIGNS Between 2014 and 2016, L’Oréal’s Sustainability, Conscious of the influential capacity of its brands, L’Oréal Packaging and Research teams worked encourages them to raise awareness and foster action among on developing an innovative tool allowing its partners, customers and consumers on today’s major social them to assess the social and environmental and environmental issues. Each brand must therefore identify performance of the Group’s products, and a cause of their own and conduct awareness campaigns. In integrate, for the first time, social as well as * 2020, 79% of brands conducted this type of activity. environmental criteria. The Group implemented the tool, known as the Sustainable Product Significant brand causes were launched in 2020: Optimisation Tool (SPOT), in 2017 across all  L’Oréal Paris and the organisation Hollaback! joined forces its brands. In 2020, the Group evaluated the to fight against street harassment, through the Stand Up social and environmental profile of all the programme. In this way, the brand has launched training products developed during the year using ** campaigns using the ‘5D methodology’, in order to this tool. L’Oréal shared its evaluation method encourage women and men to intervene in a confident for the environmental footprint of packaging, way if they experience or witness harassment in the street. as developed through SPOT, with the SPICE The programme reached more than 100,000 people initiative in 2018, co-created by L’Oréal and globally in 2020. the consultancy Quantis, in order to help standardise methods for evaluating the  Through its Brave Together programme, the Maybelline New environmental footprint of packaging. York brand participates in the fight against anxiety and depression for young people. The goal is to offer one-to-one A METHODOLOGY CO-CREATED WITH EXPERTS support and accompany those who are in difficulty, as well as To create the tool, L’Oréal convened a panel their loved ones. The brand supports the Crisis Text Line, which of 11 international experts, who contributed offers free and confidential advice. Maybelline New York has to developing the methodology – in line with committed to investing $10 million during the next five years in European Product Environmental Footprint organisations working to promote mental health worldwide. standards – in order to ensure that the final  Yves Saint Laurent Beauté has committed to contributing to methodology would lead to a relevant and the fight against domestic violence by launching a global robust assessment of impacts. programme called Loving without abusing. The goal is to raise awareness among 2 million people of the signs of domestic violence by 2030, through partnerships with local NGOs. RAISING AWARENESS OF SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION Evaluating and reducing the impacts of our products is an integral part of our sustainability transformation. It is also important that we share this information with our consumers so they can make more sustainable, informed choices. That is why L’Oréal’s teams have developed a social and environmental display mechanism for products, accessible via our product web pages. We launched it in July 2020, starting with Garnier’s haircare range in France. *Percentage calculated compared to consolidated sales for 2020. ** Distract , Delegate, Document, Direct, Delay. 16

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