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2020 CLOSING REPORT EDITORIAL BY JEAN-PAUL AGON 03 CONTENTS Chairman and Chief Executive Officer EDITORIAL BY ALEXANDRA PALT 06 Chief Corporate Responsibility Officer and Executive Vice-President of the Fondation L’Oréal SHARING BEAUTY WITH ALL, 07 L’ORÉAL’S SUSTAINABILITY COMMITMENT 2020 IN FIVE KEY FIGURES 08 SHARING BEAUTY WITH ALL, 2020 RESULTS 09 INNOVATING 11 SUSTAINABLY PRODUCING 13 SUSTAINABLY LIVING 15 SUSTAINABLY DEVELOPING 17 SUSTAINABLY Partager la beauté avec tous STAKEHOLDERS TESTIMONIES 19 ALLER PLUS LOIN SUR LE WEB Retrouver plus en détail la stratégie, les A RECOGNISED NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 20 engagements et les actions de L’Oréal en matière de développement durable sur La version PDF du rapport d’avancement The pdf version of this document complies est conforme aux normes IO  ­ with the requirements of ISO 14289-1 on the pour l’accessibilité des contenus du accessibility of online content. It has been €eb, elle est adaptée aux personnes déficientes visuelles ou en situation de adapted for people with sight ƒandicap moteur„ impairments or motor disabilities.

Loreal Sustainability Commitment Flipbook - Page 3 Loreal Sustainability Commitment Flipbook Page 2 Page 4